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Broken Crayon 2016: Collecting now! - April 2016

“A broken crayon is better than no crayon at all.”

Due to severe typhoons during 2015, many of the schools have been stripped not only of learning materials but also roofs and walls. The Ayuda Foundation has shipped textbooks that have been surveyed by Guam’s Department of Education as well as food, water, clothing, chain saws, mosquito nets, building supplies and other items donated by residents of Guam. As the 2015-2016 school term begins to wind down, the Ayuda Foundation is requesting that teachers station empty cardboard boxes (no larger than computer paper cartons, i.e. Xerox box) – in their classrooms where students can donate supplies they will not need for the next school year; i.e. broken crayons, half used ball point pens, rulers, half used jars of paste, partially filled spiral notebooks, outgrown back packs, pencil stubs, still-usable colored pencils, storybooks, partially used coloring books, colored paper, water colors and brushes, scissors, half-used erasers, flashcards, etc. Businesses, offices and corporations are invited to donate misprinted stationery, no-longer used computer paper, left-over paint, surplus office supplies (white boards, bulletin boards, paper clips, markers, filing cabinets, office furniture, staplers/staples, etc.) The collected items will be shipped to our long time partner’s women’s groups in Micronesia – the women will sort the items and distribute them to schools. This is the fifth year for the Broken Crayon Project and it has been highly successful – the Ayuda Foundation takes what would quite likely be trashed and sends it to Micronesia where it is welcomed with enthusiasm and used with delight. Our warehouse partners will open warehouse on the weekends in May. We will give a notice out when the schools and community can drop off their donations. We may be able to pick up donations. For further information, please contact us at 473-3003.



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